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Stepping Into Your Power: Boundaries
Week 1: Boundaries and What They Can Do For You
Intro to Week 1 and This Course (1:35)
What are boundaries and why set boundaries? (3:54)
What is my 'why'? (1:12)
My 'Why' Worksheet
What boundaries do I already have?
Week 1 Summary
Week 2: What Boundaries Do I Want to Set?
Intro to Week 2 (1:33)
Imagine A World.... (4:19)
Boundary Audit 2
Choosing 3 Boundaries
Week 2 Summary
Week 3: Actually Setting the Boundary
Intro to Week 3 (1:07)
Baby Steps (4:08)
Practice Saying 'No' (1:37)
Practice Communicating Boundaries (3:12)
"I" Statements Worksheet
Easy Wins for Boundary Setting (2:11)
Week 3 Summary
Week 4: Internal Boundaries
Intro to Week 4 (1:24)
What are Internal Boundaries? (4:10)
What Are Core Beliefs? (2:37)
Core Beliefs Worksheet
Challenging Our Core Beliefs (4:07)
Statements to Challenge Core Beliefs Worksheet
Meditation for Boundaries (7:15)
Week 4 Summary
Week 5: Beyond This Course: Your Ongoing Boundary Journey
Intro to Week 5 (1:20)
Sources of Support (3:33)
Mission Statement Worksheet
Record A Message (3:02)
Week 5 and Course Conclusion (1:57)
Week 3 Summary
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